Over the past 20+ years, we’ve grown to be one of the leading commercial truck insurance companies in America by providing flexible coverage and payment options, free filings, specialized heavy truck claims service, discounts and expert support.

General Liability Insurance

General Liability coverage protects the insured’s business in the event of a claim involving bodily injury, property damage or personal injury arising out of the insured’s business operation.

Our knowledgeable risk control specialists and underwriters maintain a deep understanding of your region’s business climate and your specific coverage and loss control needs, no matter where you are located. Dedicated liability claims handlers also provide the expertise to manage claims of all sizes. Our claims process delivers results, resolves cases efficiently, and helps keep legal costs low.

We offer General Liability for many types of businesses including:

Trucker's General Liability Insurance FAQs and Additional Information

What is General Liability Insurance?

General Liability insurance safeguards your trucking business from financial losses arising from claims of bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury resulting from your business operations. It provides essential protection against lawsuits and helps cover legal expenses, settlements, and judgments. General liability is often confused with Primary liability, but there are big differences. General Liability covers your business for accidents that happen off the road. Primary Liability covers you while you are on the road.

Who Needs General Liability Commercial Truck Insurance?

Truckers and commercial vehicle operators of all sizes can benefit from General Liability insurance. Whether you’re an owner-operator, a small fleet, or a large transportation company, having this coverage is essential to protect your business from unforeseen liabilities and risks associated with operating commercial trucks.

Why Do Truckers Need General Liability Insurance?

Truckers face unique risks in their daily operations, including accidents, property damage, and third-party injuries. General Liability insurance provides crucial financial protection by covering legal expenses and damages resulting from claims filed against your business. It helps safeguard your assets and ensures your business remains viable in the face of potential lawsuits.

What Coverages Can Be Expected?

General Liability insurance typically includes coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury liability. Additionally, it may offer protection against advertising injury claims, medical expenses, and legal defense costs. The specific coverages included may vary depending on the policy and insurer.

General Liability Limits, Deductibles, and More

When selecting a General Liability policy, it’s essential to consider coverage limits, deductibles, and other policy terms. Work with experienced insurance professionals to determine the appropriate coverage levels based on your business’s size, operations, and risk profile. Tailoring your policy to meet your specific needs ensures comprehensive protection.

Exceptions and Restrictions

While General Liability insurance provides broad coverage, there may be exceptions and restrictions to be aware of. Review your policy carefully to understand any exclusions or limitations that may apply. Work closely with your insurance provider to address any concerns and ensure your policy adequately protects your business.